Roses are Red (and Green!)

The Green Lancaster Team was involved throughout, delivering a pop-up clothing swap stall and encouraging the re-use of preloved clothing, particularly sportswear. It’s estimated that annually, of clothing find their way to UK landfills, and we are committed to helping students contribute to a solution to this problem in any way we can.
Across the weekend, more than one hundred items of clothing including t-shirts, shorts and trainers were swapped or purchased on a pay-as-you-feel basis, providing an affordable and sustainable clothing solution for our students!
Students were encouraged to test their knowledge of the fast fashion industry in our educational true or false game, with many participants shocked at the industry’s significant greenhouse gas emissions, water use and human rights violations!
Clothing donations not swapped at the event will be utilised by Global Link - a local charity accelerating the move towards a fairer and more sustainable world. Thanks to all those who participated throughout the Roses 24 weekend, we’ll see you again for next year’s competition!
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