Dr Sara Baldock
Experimental Officer in Microscopy and NanofabricationResearch Overview
Professional Role
I am responsible for the Chemistry Department’s: Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and the state-of-the-art 3D laser micro- and nano-fabrication system the Nanoscribe Photonic Professional GT.Equipment specifications can be found at:http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/chemistry/research/research-facilities/microscopy-and-nanofabrication/This instrumentation is also commercially available through the collaborative technology access program (cTAP):http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/chemistry/business/collaborative-technology-access-programme/
Research Overview
I have a background in Chemistry and Physics. My expertise is in the design, production, characterisation & application of micro- and nano-fabricated polymer and glass devices for microfluidic applications (electroseparations and electrochemical detection). Keywords: Two photon polymerisation, direct laser writing, photolithography, microfabrication, nanofabrication, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, electrophoresis, isotachophoresis, voltammetry & conductivity detection.
04/10/2021 → 04/10/2022
01/11/2016 → ¡